Teens + Telehealth: Expanding Access to Sexual + Reproductive Health Care for CA Youth

From Essential Access Health:

Join Essential Access Health for a FREE Webinar on

Teens + Telehealth:
Expanding Access to Sexual + Reproductive Health Care
for California Youth

Thursday, November 12th
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST

The COVID-19 public health emergency sparked significant transformations in our health care delivery system and rapid adoption of a wide range of telehealth modalities by providers and patients. During this session, Essential Access Health will present data from our statewide survey designed to gauge the promise of telehealth to expand access to sexual and reproductive health care among California teens. Presenters will also review policy changes enacted to support remote access and health center representatives from Vista Community Clinic and Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County will describe the virtual care process and what teens can expect from a telehealth visit.


Jim Jarvenpaa