social determinants of health programs


What are social determinants of health?

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are factors such as where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health-related outcomes and risks. Examples of SDOH include: access to nutritious foods and transportation, racism, income level and housing status.

From their earliest days, community health centers have been designed to go beyond the clinic walls and address the social factors that impact community health. From programs to advocacy efforts, SFCCC leads initiatives to support our member clinics in addressing SDOH needs in their patients.


Food for health collective

Thanks to the generosity of the Hellman Foundation, SFCCC is a founding member of the Food for Health Collective San Francisco (FHCSF), a partnership of six organizations working to improve nutrition equity for vulnerable communities in San Francisco.

SFCCC works with collective members to integrate nutrition and food-based interventions into primary care clinics, from on-site food pharmacies and vouchers for fresh produce to medically tailored meals. You can learn more about FHCSF on our blog.


calaim & complex patient care

In January 2022, the California Department of Health Care Services launched California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), a wide-reaching effort to reform the Medi-Cal system, aimed at improving the health outcomes and overall well-being of Medi-Cal enrollees. SFCCC supports our member clinics in navigating and implementing CalAIM programs like Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports (CS) which improve care coordination and expand support for patients with complex social and medical needs.


contact us

Merrill Buice (she/her)
Director, Healthcare Access & Coverage

Sophie Schouboe (she/her)
Manager, Outreach, Enrollment & Social Determinants of Health Programs

Paul Nguyen (he/him)
Director, Complex Care & CalAIM Programs