Important Census 2020 Facts

  • 9 simple, confidential questions: The Census counts everyone living in the United States regardless of their background or immigration status. It’s a simple and confidential 9 question survey. Questions include your name, address, sex, race, and age.

  • Billions in funding for community programs: Census data informs funding for key programs such as Head Start, childcare and development programs, community mental health programs, nutritional programs, educational and health care resources, and much more.

  • A step toward equity and justice: One of the ways we can change our outcomes is by participating in the 2020 Census. The Census is foundational to our nation – it is the most inclusive civic activity we engage in. By participating, we can set forth a roadmap for the future of our communities, in the nation’s most socially and economically powerful state. We can ensure the voices of the most unmanifested continue to be pushed forward.

  • Help secure funding for your neighborhood: For every person left uncounted, California could lose $1,000 per person each year for the next ten years. Completing your Census form helps ensure California receives the funding for more health care services, parks, roads that support your local community.

  • No citizenship question: The Census will never ask about your citizenship status or for your social security number, bank details, payment, or a donation. Census data is not used to determine eligibility for any public programs.

  • Everyone counts: Make sure you count everyone in your home, including roommates, young children and newborns. This also includes any friends or family members who are living and sleeping there most of the time as of April 1, 2020.

  • Your information is secure: Your responses to the Census are protected by law and cannot be shared with, or used by, any other government agencies. Answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes or to determine eligibility for government benefits or immigration enforcement. Census data will not be shared with your landlords.


Jim Jarvenpaa