Federal Health Policy Updates


SFCCC and our member clinics work alongside the National Association of Community Health Centers and other national groups to:

  • Educate Federal policy makers about the important contributions made by community health centers to the health and economies of our communities.
  • Promote and protect Medicaid, which covers approximately one out of three Californians. Managed Care Medi-Cal covers the majority of SFCCC member clinic patients and other health programs that improve access for low-income patients.
  • Increase federal funding for Community Health Centers, including the Community Health Center Grant Program.
  • Develop educational pathways and financial support for health and human service providers to encourage a robust workforce in community health centers.
  • Protect the rights of individuals and families of any immigration status to obtain high quality health care without fear.

federal health policy updates

SFCCC and our member clinics are extremely concerned about proposed rules, currently being reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget, that would change long standing rules about what which programs would be considered in making a public charge determination. These rules would overturn a long standing practice of NOT considering publicly funded health insurance or nutrition program when families seek to sponsor family members or adjust their immigrations status.

It would discourage immigrant families, including those with U.S. citizen children, not to take advantage of programs that support their essential needs and thus, put the health and well-being of millions of children at risk. 

SFCCC is part of a campaign coordinated by the National Immigrant Law Center and CLASP called Protecting our Immigrant Families, Advancing our Future that will collectively state our opposition to these dangerous rules when they are officially released for public comment. We will provide updates on our blog.


For more information about public charge, click here.


To be informed directly about developments and plans to comment when the rules are officially release, click here.