Meet Our Clients
Street outreach services (SOS)
SOS met Julianna 5 years ago when we treated her shoulder following an injury. Most recently, we’ve been helping her to monitor and manage care for a chronic illness – supporting her to maintain access to her medicines and providing regular follow up. Julianna says she appreciates receiving care from SOS, where she can experience the privacy of a clinic room right next to the trailer where she lives. She’s grateful for the familiar presence that SOS provides in her community, through regular visits that include medical care and distribution of needed items like water, snacks, and backpacks with warm clothing and other supplies.
Karen and Darrell
Karen and Darrell have been together for 6 years and followed consistently by the SOS team during that time. Karen says, “seeing the van pull up makes me very happy because I know staff really care”. Darrell says SOS has a “strong reputation on the streets” for providing care to the unhoused, adding “It’s very rare to find people like SOS that care so much about people like us.” SOS continues to provide mobile medical services to both Karen and Darrell and pet food and referrals for their beloved dog, “Money”.
Lily & Pelusa
Lily calls the SOS team “awesome” and said she feels more comfortable receiving care “right at her front door compared to at the hospital.” But recently SOS helped Lily navigate the hospital for a skin surgery she needed. SOS scheduled the referral, reminded her of her appointment, and answered all her questions. Because of this, Lily says she was able to successfully complete her surgery; when SOS followed up with her afterwards, she reported being pleased with the results and said she now feels more open to connecting with other health services. SOS is currently working with Lily to connect her with a primary care clinic and eventually into permanent housing.
Manuel first encountered SOS at our partner soup kitchen where he sometimes goes to get a warm meal. He says, “The SOS team helped me so much when I had prostate problems.” For many months, our medical team regularly provided him with catheter bags and checked his vitals to monitor for infection while he awaited surgery, which he was able to successfully complete. Manuel also suffers from arthritis in his right shoulder but says it has gotten better and stronger from the care he’s received from SOS. Manuel says it gives him comfort knowing that the SOS team is at the soup kitchen every Thursday, to provide free care and healing to him and his friends. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.