“If you're interested in this field, it's crucial to engage directly with the population you will be serving to understand their needs.”
Read More“Many future healthcare providers gain invaluable experience through programs like NHC, AmeriCorps, and NHSC. These programs also provide financial support and professional development opportunities for those pursuing medical school or other healthcare careers. The sky is the limit when you apply yourself to programs like ours!”
Read More“Humans of NHC” is a campaign run by the National Health Corps Program that highlights people that interact with the NHC program in any capacity. Members, Staff, Mentors, Supervisors, Clinic Staff, and Community Organization Partners are interviewed by an NHC Member and are asked to share about their career trajectory, their passions, challenges and advice for professionals exploring their fields. Interviewees also share about what they find most meaningful in their professions, roles, as well as their current goals and aspirations for themselves or their organizations. These interviews are then transcribed and posted on the National Health Corps website for all to read!
Read More“Humans of NHC” is a campaign run by the National Health Corps Program that highlights people that interact with the NHC program in any capacity. Members, Staff, Mentors, Supervisors, Clinic Staff are interviewed by an NHC Member and are asked to share about their career trajectory, their passions, challenges and advice for professionals exploring their fields.
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